Monday, October 28, 2013

TOPS News–October 24, 2013

Six TOPS and two KOPS were present for the October 24 meeting of Imperial TOPS NE0267. The best loser for the second week in a row was Barb, so she also received a Kept It Off award. Challenges this week: 1) Eat at least two servings each of fruit and vegetables every day; 2) 15 minutes exercise each day.

Donna and Shirley will provide food for the Senior Center’s November 10 luncheon. Cheryl will begin a count-down chart for four members who have less than 10 pounds to lose to reach their weight goals.

The program was a discussion of the Fall Rally, where Carolyn presented a talk on Yo-Yo Dieting. She was also the chapter’s best loser for the Fall Rally contest. Barb and Cheryl were selected as chapter angels, and Imperial members won three of the five gift baskets. Karen S. went into detail about the Nutrition Quiz that was given at the Rally. For next week’s Halloween party, each member should bring a $2 grab bag gift.

TOPS Club meets from 9 to 10 a.m. on Thursdays at the Imperial Community Center, with weigh-ins beginning at 8:30. For more information about TOPS, phone Cheryl at 883-0265 or see The first meeting is free.

PHOTOS FROM FALL RALLY, Ogallala, October 19, 2013

The Imperial TOPS ClubKaren, Karen, and Diann              And the whole gang was there.                                                 Gift Basket Winners


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