Monday, November 18, 2013

TOPS News October 14, 2013

Seven TOPS and two KOPS were present for the November 14 meeting of Imperial TOPS NE0267. The Yes-Yes for this week is portion control and to keep a food journal. The No-No is fattening snacks.

The club began a four-week “turkey contest” as a way to keep track of weight gain or loss. The club Christmas party will be on Thursday, December 12, at the Senior Center, with a $5 gift exchange. Barb will present next week’s program marking the 50th anniversary of the death of President John F. Kennedy.

Peg’s program was on Tree Care Basic, from notes compiled by Rachel Allison of the Nebraska Forest Service. In Chase County, the best trees to grow are the Bur Oak and the Hackberry.
Some tips for growing healthy trees: Know what to look for when buying trees
  1. If you can see the roots, don’t buy them.
  2. Don’t leave trees too long in containers.
  3. Don’t bury them too deep.
  4. Don’t depend on your sprinkler system to water trees properly. They need deep watering.
  5. Proper mulching is critical. It should never be piled up against the trunk.
  6. Fertilizer is not recommended.
  7. When you prune a tree, cut small limbs an inch or two from the tree, now against the tree.
Find out even more from Publication NFS04-2012, Nebraska Forest Service.
TOPS Club meets from 9 to 10 a.m. on Thursdays at the Imperial Community Center, with weigh-ins beginning at 8:30. For more information about TOPS, phone Cheryl at 883-0265 or see The first meeting is free.


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