Monday, June 22, 2015

Garlic Does a Body Good

Meeting News

At the June 18 meeting of Imperial TOPS NE0267, Diann was the best loser, and Donna received the Kept It Off award. Judy won a little cash in the Ha-Ha drawing.


The week’s challenges: 1) Exercise for at least five minutes before breakfast; 2) Eat a combination of four servings of fruits and vegetables every day.


Karen asked the group to be thinking about upcoming officer elections, which are the second week of July. Cheryl read a recent letter from Jessica Burnett, Nebraska TOPS Coordinator. The group also discussed donations to the memorials for two former TOPS members. Continuing contests are the area-wide Fun in the Summer Sun Challenge and “Shoot Off Those Pounds” contest.

Find tips on how to prepare garlic
for the best health benefits at
Shirley presented a program on the benefits of garlic, which has been used for centuries to promote good health. Garlic is high in manganese, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. It can help you fight colds, reduce high blood pressure, and improve cholesterol levels.

According to WebMD, eating garlic is also possibly effective for preventing hardening of the arteries, colon and rectal cancer, stomach cancer and such irritations as tick bites, ringworm, and for treating athlete’s foot. It is possibly not effective for breast cancer, diabetes, inherited high cholesterol, or as a mosquito repellent. More evidence is needed to show that garlic helps with hair loss, chest pain, the common cold, or muscle soreness

Our guest speaker next week will be Mary Lou, the TOPS area captain.


Join Us!

TOPS Club meets from 9 to 10 a.m. on Thursdays at the Imperial Community Center, with weigh-ins beginning at 8:30. The first meeting is free. Find out more at


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