Here’s an excerpt:
Be honest. How much food do you end up tossing out every week? If you’re anything like me, you find yourself throwing away produce you had every intention of eating (but has since turned into a terrifying science experiment in the back of the fridge) more often than you’d like. Turns out I’m not alone. In the U.S., 30-40% of the food supply is wasted. This is equivalent to more than 20 pounds of food per person per month!
So what do you do when good food goes bad and how can you keep it from going bad in the first place?
For help, I turned to Jen Ede, the new editor of TOPS News magazine. In her previous life, Jen worked as a personal chef and employed some pretty creative methods for preventing food waste. Check out our Q & A session.For more, see Waste Not, Want Not: How to Prevent Food Waste.
Meeting News:
At the July 30 meeting of Imperial TOPS NE0267, Karen was the best loser for the week, and Barb was the best loser for the month of July. Karen won a little cash in the Ha-Ha drawing. Week’s challenges: 1) Exercise at least 15 minutes a day, and 2) Eat five servings of fruits and/or vegetables every day.The club installed the following officers for 2015-16: Karen as Leader, Shirley as Co-Leader, Donna as Secretary, Cheryl as Treasurer, Barb as Weight Recorder, and Shirley as Assistant Weight Recorder. Donna will continue as program chair, and Cheryl will continue as publicity chair.
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