Tuesday, July 9, 2013

TOPS News for July 3, 2013

TOPS NE0267 welcomed two young visitors, Judy’s guests, to their July 3 meeting, joining the 7 TOPS and 2 KOPS at the meeting. There was a net loss of 5.75 pounds for the week. The best loser was Carolyn; Judy won the Kept-it-off certificate and was the best loser for June. Barb gave monthly certificates to TOPS who had stayed the same or lost weight and to KOPS who  maintained their goal weights.

The Cut for the coming week is to eat no more than one serving of bread each day; the Burn is 20 minutes of exercise at least five days. Cheryl gave prizes to Judy and Peg for reaching their June weight loss goals. Karen presented the treasurer’s report.

Shirley presented an Independence Day program, with suggestions for low-calorie red, white, and blue desserts and the poem, I Am Your Flag. Barb is scheduled to give next Thursday’s program. The following week, July 18, Judy will present a program on the Myth of Will Power.

TOPS Club meets from 9 to 10 a.m. at the Imperial Community Center, with weigh-ins beginning at 8:30. For more information about TOPS, phone Cheryl at 883-0265 or see www.tops.org. The first meeting is free.


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