Monday, July 1, 2013

TOPS Nebraska State Queen and Queen Runner-Up

Some of us were privileged in the middle of April to attend the Nebraska TOPS State Recognition Days in Kearney, Nebraska, and to witness the state queen and her runner-up announced and crowned. To become TOPS State Queen (or King), you must have become a KOPS in the previous year and lost more weight to your goal than any other TOPS member in the state.

Below are the photos and stories of the Queen and Queen Runner-Up, as told by the winners at SRD.

For other state winners, see our TOPS regional website.



Penny Bendorf

TOPS NE 0449, Alma

89.75 pounds lost to goal

I joined TOPS in August 2006, weighing 274.75 lbs. I felt irritable, short of breath, fatigued, depressed, and had low self-esteem. My BP, cholesterol, and blood sugar were high. I ate at fast food restaurants a lot. I also had a very sedimentary job and lifestyle.

My son sent a “tough love” letter regarding his concern for my health and didn’t want me to die. This got my attention! He kept me accountable by having me call him every week and discuss what I ate and what exercises I did. This helped me so much. I also have my TOPS group, family, and friends that have given me suggestions for weight loss and encouragement.

We moved 2 times since joining TOPS, and each time I didn’t go to the meetings for about 6 months and you guessed it!!  I GAINED back some of the weight!!!!

Now my lifestyle change is a priority.  I keep a food/exercise journal, pray, decrease sugar/white flour/red meat, increase vegetable/fruit/water, exercise, walking,  I count calories, and weigh some of my foods. I tried to lose weight without exercise but in order for me to tone and strengthen my muscles, I need to have exercise be part of my routine.

When I started this new lifestyle change, I prayed that God would help me by placing people in my life that could guide me with the weight loss and that I could help others with this new way of living. God even placed a new friend in my life that was a personal trainer. It has been amazing on the number of people that have been with me on this journey. I know that I could not do this alone.

I have lost 89.75 pounds and went from a size 26/28 to size 14/16. I didn’t do this perfectly, but I try “one day at a time” and even “one meal at a time”.


Queen Runner-Up

Janet Bloemker

TOPS NE 0661, Fremont

77.00 pounds lost to goal

I am an intelligent person. I will not let my emotions control me. But for many years I did let my emotions control me. I ate when I was happy and I ate when I was depressed. I ate to celebrate good times and I ate to soothe times of sadness. For years that is what I was doing and it was time to face the consequences.

At my 45th class reunion when everyone stood to speak of their many accomplishments, I said that I had lost 50 pounds but unfortunately I had gained 100 pounds. Everyone laughed. I was laughing on the outside but I was crying on the inside.

I was not acting intelligently. I had developed an up and down pattern. I would lose two pounds and gain three. There was one year when I lost 15 pounds and gained 14¼ pounds. I had lost ¾ of a pound for the whole year!

I believe that God has a plan for each and everyone’s life and I’m pretty sure that His plan for me is not to die from obesity.

I wanted to see my grandchildren at their graduations and weddings. I wanted to live for my husband and my family. And they encouraged me all the way.

After trying many weight loss programs, I joined TOPS. That’s when I heard the TOPS pledge for the first time. When I shared that pledge with my fellow members, I realized that we were all facing the same challenges. Together we rejoiced at our losses and understood our gains and we have supported each other every step of the way. We celebrated together when I became a KOPS.

This is not just my success story but it is the TOPS success story and one that I share with my fellow TOPS friends. Thank you, TOPS!


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