Sunday, September 8, 2013

TOPS NEWS September 5, 2013

Six TOPS and two KOPS were present for the September 5 meeting of Imperial TOPS NE0267. Carolyn and Donna were the best losers – again! – and Carolyn won the Kept-It-Off award. Since she had lost weight, she also won a little cash when her name was drawn in the Ha-Ha drawing.
Karen W. presented the treasurer’s report for August.

Yes-Yes for the week is to eat at least two fruits and two vegetables each day, which may continue as the Yes-Yes throughout the September Team Challenge. 

The No-No is salted nuts. 

The September Team Challenge began this week.

Donna presented a program on the value of drinking water and the best sources of water. She also gave the group a multiple choice quiz, which included questions about signs of dehydration, vitamin-enhanced drinks, and orange juice packaging. See the questions and answers below.

TOPS Club meets from 9 to 10 a.m. on Thursdays at the Imperial Community Center, with weigh-ins beginning at 8:30. For more information about TOPS, phone Cheryl at 883-0265 or go to The first meeting is free.

Quiz - The Importance of Water

1. Which of the following things is NOT a function of water?glass-of-water
a. transports nutrients throughout the body
b. helps maintain normal body temperature
c. can replace a well-balanced meal
d. acts as a lubricant around joints
2. Which of the following things is a sign of dehydration?
a. hunger
b. chills
c. extreme happiness
d. sleepiness
3. If you exercise, do you need additional water on top of the recommended amount?
a. Yes
b. No
4. T or F: Hard water and soft water are similar; therefore, there is no benefit to drinking one over the other.
a. True
b. False
5. T or F: 25-40% of all bottled water comes from sources that are the same or similar to municipal tap water systems.
a. True
b. False
6. Do vitamin-enhanced waters give the consumer a boost in their vitamin levels?
a. Yes
b. No
7. Which of the following issues can be caused by drinking soda regularly?
a. Type 2 Diabetes
b. Osteoporosis
c. Dental Caries (Cavities)
d. Increased Blood Pressure
e. All of Above
8. The best way to pick out the most beneficial fruit juice is:
a. If the front label says 100% fruit juice
b. If it has a pretty color or smell
c. If it has pictures of fruits and/or vegetables on the label
d. If it is colorful and dark
9. T or F: Buying orange juice in a plastic jug will help to keep its Vitamin C content.
a. True
b. False
10. T or F: Energy drinks are regulated by the FDA
a. True
b. False
Find the information in the answers below.
  1. Your body is made up of 60% water and is used for many functions, including: carrying waste away from the blood and body tissues; moistening eyes, nose and mouth; hydrating skin; ensuring adequate blood level; serving as a shock absorber for the spinal cord.
  2. Signs of dehydration include dry, sticky mouth; sleepiness or tiredness; decreased urine output; few or no tears when crying; dry skin; headache; constipation; dizziness or light-headedness.
  3. If you are active, it is recommended that you add an extra 2 8-oz glasses of water to your daily intake. If you are very active, add more!
  4. Softened water is made using salt, therefore it has a higher sodium content, making it less than desirable for regular consumption.
  5. Sadly, 25-40% of all bottled water comes from sources with similar properties to those in your municipal water supply. Consumers pay 250-10,000 times more for bottled water!
  6. Unfortunately, the vitamins used in vitamin water are water-soluble, which means they are flushed out of the body along with the water that is carrying them. For more vitamins and minerals, a supplement is recommended.
  7. Sodas, even diet sodas, have been shown to lead to some health issues if drunk regularly over time. Some of those issues include Type 2 Diabetes, obesity, lower consumption of necessary vitamins and minerals, osteoporosis, and increased blood pressure.
  8. One of the best ways to pick a good fruit juice is to find one that is very colorful – the darker the color the better. Also, read the ingredient list to ensure it’s 100% fruit juice and not made from concentrate.
  9. It has been shown that buying orange juice in a plastic jug will help retain its Vitamin C content longer than the steeple-topped paper cartons. Each day your orange juice sits open, it loses 2% of its Vitamin C, so drink up or buy smaller jugs. Citrus juices are the most nutrient-dense juice drunk in the US.
  10. Energy drinks are not regulated or approved by the FDA. Consumers should take care when drinking them as they do have some potential side effects. A few are risk of heart arrhythmias, nervousness, light-headedness, caffeine withdrawal, and dehydration.
Please note: The above quiz and answers are for educational and recreational purposes only and are not a substitute for the advice from either your doctor or nutritionist.


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