Thursday, December 31, 2015

Get Healthy & Active - Week 1

At the Meeting

At the December 31 meeting of Imperial TOPS NE0267, Lorna received the prize for Best Loser of the Month, and Barb received the butterfly pin to keep, for being the best loser the most months. Lorna won the Christmas Tree contest. Diann and Barb will provide food for the January 10th dinner at the Community Center.


As her program, Lorna encouraged members to set small goals for January. Goals set included increasing exercise minutes compared to December, losing a certain number of pounds, cutting out candy and cookies, and 10 minutes of deep breathing each day.

Get Healthy & Active - Week 1

Lorna also encouraged members to follow up on the 10-week “Get Healthy & Active” program. The first week’s activities are 
  1. Keep a food journal
  2. Begin wearing a pedometer and calculate your average number of steps (at least 3 days), and 
  3. Choose one of the following positive statements to repeat each morning as you brush your teeth: “Today I choose joy,” “Good things take time,” or “I can and I will.” Members will briefly report their progress each week.

Come Join Us!

TOPS Club meets from 9 to 10 a.m. on Thursdays at the Imperial Community Center, with weigh-ins beginning at 8:30. The first meeting is free. Find out more at


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