Saturday, August 17, 2013

TOPS News August 15, 2013

Seven TOPS and two KOPS were present at the August 15 meeting of Imperial TOPS NE0267. Carolyn was the best loser for the week. Both Carolyn and Donna received Kept-It-Off awards.

The Yes-Yes for the week is to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day; the No-No is ice cream. Cheryl asked the group for a list of lies we tell ourselves while we eat fattening foods. You can see that list below.

imageKaren W. presented a program on Making Lasting Changes. Some of the tips she mentioned were:
1) When you’re wanting dessert, imagine yourself achieving your goal.
2) Don’t get stuck in chronic contemplation; knowledge without action accomplishes nothing.
3) Stop searching for either the perfect diet or the perfect moment to start taking action.
4) Analyze your food triggers, then distract yourself until the craving passes.

Peg will present next week’s program, and Carolyn will present the program on August 29.

TOPS Club meets from 9 to 10 a.m. at the Imperial Community Center, with weigh-ins beginning at 8:30. For more information about TOPS, phone Cheryl at 883-0265 or go to The first meeting is free.

Lies We Tell Ourselves (Brief survey of Imperial TOPS members)

  1. The Lie: “Just one piece of candy won’t hurt me.”
    Truth? Yes, maybe one piece won’t, but telling yourself that lie 10 times in the same day will.
  2. The Lie: “I have until Thursday to lose my weight.”
    Truth? When Wednesday rolls around, you panic. Whether you’re wanting to lose half-a-pound or two, it’s not realistic – or sensible – to try to lose it all in a couple of days.
  3. The Lie: “I can eat all I want after weigh-in on Thursday.”
    Truth? Often, once you start eating ‘til you’re too full or indulging in a sugary treat, it’s more difficult to go back to eating sensibly. Your body deserves balanced, healthful meals – even on Thursdays.
  4. The Lie: “I’ll exercise tomorrow.”
    Truth? You've heard it before– tomorrow never comes. Besides - exercising today and tomorrow gives you twice the benefit.
  5. The Lie: “I’ll eat better tomorrow.”
    Truth? Ditto on No. 4: Eating well today and tomorrow gives you twice the benefit.
  6. The Lie: “If I play ball with my granddaughter, it’ll take care of what I’ve eaten.”
    Truth? Walking a miles burns a mere 100 calories. Better to use that extra bit of exercise to burn the fat you’re already carrying around.
  7. The Lie: “Just a little cookie dough won’t hurt.”
    Truth? According to, one cookie’s worth of Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is 90 calories – the same as 18 baby carrots, 3-1/2 cups of raw cauliflower, or a medium apple.
    Another Truth? You’re also going to want to eat the cookies once they’re baked.
  8. The Lie: “I’m on a cabbage soup diet, so I’m sure to lose. Snacks don’t count.”
    Truth? The lack of protein in such soups means you'll soon be hungry and want to snack. Count the calories in the snacks – and you’ll find out just how fast they mount up.
  9. The Lie: “I don’t care.”
    Truth? You’re lying to yourself so you can indulge briefly. After the indulgence, you know you’ll care –  and will want to kick yourself to giving into yet another lie.


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